King’s Town Beer Company
King’s Town Beer Company is a Canadian brewery from Kingston, Ontario.
We love beer and we’ve been brewing it now for nearly 20 years – in kitchens and mezzanines and garages and breweries, but our passion and love for King’s Town brews remains unchanged.
From exploding airlocks and engineering our own equipment to quick-fixes and late night brewing, this team of local boys have worked tirelessly to bring something new to the craft beer and Kingston communities.
Months of planning and bureaucratic hoop jumping later, our brewery came to life after a year of sanding, scraping, painting and pounding nails and lots of help from skilled trades people not to mention many late nights. The result, an inviting tasting and retail area with a 30ft bar glowing with natural light up front of our 5 barrel, 10 tank system and growler filling and cleaning production area.
Whether you’re popping in to grab a couple growlers on your lunch for later enjoyment or stopping by to sit, discuss and try our latest creation with a couple of friends, we hope our brewery becomes a spot fellow beer drinkers gather.