How to Host a New Year’s Eve Party Like A Rockstar

How to Host a New Year’s Eve Party Like A Rockstar Don’t stress! We’ve got you covered with quick, easy and incredible tips to help you all party like rockstars on New Year’s Eve.

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You want to host the New Year’s Eve party of the century, but you only have a year to plan it. Or, if you’re like most of us, a few weeks. OK, a few days. Now, you’re staring down the spital clogged end of a dollar store noise maker with no idea how you’re going to pull off this shindig. The new year hasn’t even started yet and the future is looking bleak.

Don’t stress! We’ve got you covered with quick, easy and incredible tips to help you all party like rockstars.


Let’s make sure you have a handle on your duties as a host. A host is not simply someone who grabs the ice, a cooler, some bags of chips, a keg or two and provides the place to party (though, that’s an okay start); a host is the person who will make or break a person’s good time. As the host, you’re the purveyor of good times and party guide for your guest, and there’s perhaps no other time to take that responsibility more seriously than on NYE.

The Sacred Duties of the Host

  • Make sure your guests are getting enough to eat and drink — and inform them of their food and drink options.
  • Make sure your guests know where non-alcoholic options are located.
  • Make sure people know where the bathrooms are.
  • Make sure your guests know there is NO drinking and driving, and provide them with safe alternatives home or the option to stay at your place.
  • Make people feel welcome and introduce them to other guests.
  • Make sure they understand what is happening, if there are structured activities.
  • Got it? Good. Now that you know what’s expected of you if you are to fulfil your esteemed role in the rockstar fashion you so covet, read on for tips on the less ephemeral elements of being an awesome NYE host.

    Keep Your Eyes on the Prize Focus is the key to hosting a great New Year’s Eve party. Don’t get caught up in all the things you want to do: realistically consider all the things you can do. Consider your space, your guest list and your budget so you don’t max out your resources so that everyone feels the pinch — not a cool way to cruise into the new year.

    Your space: Only invite the number of people your space can comfortably handle. It doesn’t matter if you’re hosting at home or have rented out a space to host: you have to play and plan to the room!

    If your studio apartment simply isn’t big enough for the scope of NYE shenanigans you have planned, consider being more of a facilitator than host. Sure, have a few VIP guests over to your digs for some drinks and good eats, but then plan for a larger party to meet at another venue where the party’s hopping — a venue like the Roundhouse!

    Your budget: You’re not Paris Hilton. Repeat this to yourself. (I’m not Paris Hilton.) You may have the dreams of swanky AF parties and you may even own a miniature dog, but chances are, you don’t have the budget to back up building that 12 foot Steam Whistle fountain of which you dream. So, set a budget you can live with and stick to it. You shouldn’t head into the new year in the red. You should head in sipping a cool, green bottle of Canada’s premium pilsner.

    Your help. Even the most diligent, organized host needs help, so enlist it! Have a friend or two (or more, depending on the size of the party) work as the Goose(s) to your Maverick. The Watson to your Sherlock. The Sonny to your Cher. You get the idea. At some point in your party, you are going to need help and if you have assistants present who know they may be called upon, you can keep the good times rolling.

    Pro new year’s eve party planning tip: Arrange to have at least one friend who remains sober to act as a DD. Taxis are great, but on NYE, wait times for a safe ride home can be epic. Having a responsible, sober individual to drive guests home will ensure your guests have a pleasant party experience from start to finish. Just note that as the host, ideally, you should not be the person leaving to drive around guests since you may be needed on-site.

    Stay alert! This final tip will be old news to anyone who’s ever watched an episode of Come Dine with Me. It’s a cardinal rule of party hosting that is so often forgotten: namely, not getting sauced. As the host, you are the beating heart of the party and you need to be focused, alert and in control the entire time. This is tough to do if you’re also floor licking drunk. Either don’t drink at all, or tipple your frost carafe of Steam Whistle slowly during the night.

    Have a safe & happy New Year, from all us good beer folk at Steam Whistle!


    Original Source Here

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