Bons Voeux

Bons Voeux is a Blond Belgian Beer, it has an alcohol content of 9.5%.
Bons Vœux is a blond top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle.
Since 1970, the brewery has been brewing a special beer to give as a new years present to their best clients. (the name of this beer “Avec les bons Vœux de la brasserie Dupont » means « With the best wishes of the brewery Dupont » ).
Because of the increasing success, they started to commercialise this “cadeau” but kept the name. Although the demands were considerable, only a small quantity was brewed, so they had to make a reservation list, even months before new year.
Bons Vœux is coppery blond, has very fine hoparomas and tastes bitter, fruity and mild.
Our selection of yeasts, in combination with a longduring riping process, on a “dry hopping” base, are creating a typical and complex aroma and taste.
A real refermentation in the bottle, which will continue for a long time in your cellar, result in a harmonious and well-balanced beer, full of unexpected and complex aromas.
The thing that immediately surprises me is the fruity flavors combined with quite some hop!