De Neve Gueuze

De Neve Gueuze is an Authentic Belgian Geuze “Sour Beer”, It is made by blending young (1-year-old) and old (2- to 3-year-old) lambics, which is bottled for a second fermentation, it has an alcohol content of5.2%.
Share:De Neve Gueuze is an Authentic Belgian Geuze “Sour Beer”, It is made by blending young (1-year-old) and old (2- to 3-year-old) lambics, which is bottled for a second fermentation, it has an alcohol content of5.2%.
If anyone has any information on where I can buy a bottle please let me know.
Bonjour je possède une bouteille fermée en format magnum de geuze de neve de 1989. Parfait état. Si intéressée voici mon email bien à vous .
Contact me for à beer deneve