Hodge Podge

Hodge Podge is a Canadian beer, it has an alcohol content of 6.3%.
YellowBelly’s latest seasonal for 2014 is Hodge Podge. It is a big beer made with varied ingredients, many of which are leftovers from previous seasonals – thus the name. Made with two separate ale yeasts (a Belgian and our North American house strain), and 5 different grains (2 different pale ale malts, munich malt, pale chocolate malt, roast barley), it defies categorization.
The grist load and the added turbinado and Belgian Candi sugar gives us about 6.3% ABV, so it is quite warming for the depths of February. The big base is balanced by bittering from Nugget and Hersbrucker hops. (60 IBU). It is dry hopped entirely with Chinook.
Aromatic, uctuous, roasty and bitter, it is well suited for an adventurous session but better suited as an accompaniment to creamy cheeses or perhaps a carbonnade.