Ladenburger Helles

Ladenburger Helles is a German beer, it has an alcohol content of 4.9%.
A wonderful beer with a particular character in an inimitable new bottle with a new look!
Changes in the treatment of malt using a sophisticated recipe provided the foundation for our new beer.
The result: a beer that is hard to equal
Appearance, Aroma and Taste
The head is creamy, fine-pored and very stable. The aroma is clean with a touch of hops. The taste is full-bodied, very elegant, gentle and mild, with well-harmonized hops and malt notes. Its excellent effervescence means that it can be kept in cold storage for a long time. The aftertaste is well-balanced, with a brief, fine and gentle hop-bitterness in the finish.
Old, traditional brewing recipes refined using the latest brewing techniques provide the foundation for this new beer.