Ladenburger Helles Hefeweizen

Ladenburger Helles Hefeweizen is a German beer, it has an alcohol content of 5.2%.
Ladenburger Helles Hefeweizen is one of the most popular beer in our assortment. Bottle or keg fermentation with pure top-fermented yeast lends it a distinctive, full-bodied wheat beer flavour. An ideal refreshment – not only in summer!
Hefeweizen Hell was awarded 2014 at the World Beer Cup in Denver/Colorado as one of the best wheat beers in the World.
Appearance, Aroma and Taste
A thick, almost creamy head, an intense yellow colour and fruity-banana wheat–beer aroma make
this a very special beer. On the tongue it is full-bodied, soft, mild, sparkling and refreshing,
with a pleasant sour impression and the hint of hop bitterness typical of this type of beer.
All these characteristics give this wheat beer its special flavour, making it an outstanding
“Hefeweizen” from an old brewing tradition.