Stone Pataskala Red X IPA

Stone Pataskala Red X IPA is an American beer, it has an alcohol content of 7.3%.
Pat-ASK-ala? Pata-SKALA? Pa-TASK-a-la? While those in the know favor the third pronunciation, no matter how you say it, this is a unique red IPA. The beer was first brewed in September 2015 to support music and arts education programs in Pataskala, Ohio, where Stone co-founder Greg Koch grew up. People there loved it, so Stone Brewing added the beer to their seasonal lineup, and the Pataskala name stuck. The crimson hue is courtesy of a special German malt variety by BESTMALZ® called Red X. Appearances, however, only tell so much. Heavily dry-hopped with Mosaic, Cascade and Amarillo hops, the beer is incredibly citrus-forward, rounded out with notes of biscuit and toffee from the malt bill. The result is evocative of red IPAs yet different. And as luck — or perhaps skill is more the appropriate word, to give the brewing team their due — would have it, it’s quite wonderful. You’ll find this unusual red IPA to be quite deliciously satisfying, no matter how you choose to pronounce it.