De Kale Ridders

Although our region produces many famous and less famous beers, we had to wait quite a while before Landen had its own beer. After some years of experimenting De Kale Ridders finally succeeded in making a unique beer. And since De Kale Ridders are not the only citizens of Landen that like a nice beer it was decided to commercialise it.
The name of the beer refers to the rich Hesbaye region where important citizens used to be honoured with impressive burial tombs or tumuli. Even today these tumuli are visibly present in the landscape of Landen with amongst others the Borntombe in Walsbets, de Middelwinde tombe in Neerwinden, the Plattetombe in Waasmont and of course de Tombe of Pepijn in Landen.
The power and mystery surrounding these tumuli is also present in the beers produced by De Kale Ridders. The name is therefore not only a reference to the region of origin but also describes this beer brewed according traditional recipes and without any artificial additions.
De Kale Ridders use the most innovative brewing techniques, obtained through an intense collaboration with various labs of K.U.Leuven, KaHo St-Lieven and the Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB).