De Verhuisbrouwerij

De Verhuisbrouwerij a mobile brewery of a few beer enthusiasts who are taking their brewery-on-wheels to give beer brewing demonstrations around the country.
We are five non-professional brewers who brew their own beers in their spare time. During this activity, we try to promote the brewing culture. We are achieving this by brewing monthly at a different place, showing how one can craft beer brewing.
Our country has hundreds of different beers and beer glasses, a huge traditional beer culture. We think it is regretable that it is not known to the general public. Still, every year (Belgian) people drink less beer, and the vast majority are still industrial lagers. This is why we promote the craft of special beers from another point of view.
People participating in a brewery tour are always open to try and taste the new kinds beer from the brewery. Unfortunately, it still is a huge step to take to participate to a brewery visit, given the limited interest in the beer culture.
Therefore, the “verhuisbrouwerij” (moving brewery) likes to work in the reverse direction. People do not come to our brewery, but we move our brewery to the people. To achieve this, we have a mobile home including a 30 liter brewing installation.
Visitors can not only witness the brewing demonstration, they also can smell and taste the different steps in brewing beer. This all accompanied with detailed explanations on the ongoing activities.
Obviously, we also promote special beers by tasting our home made beers. Because of physical and (bio)chemical laws, the beer in creation will only be perfect for consumption 3 months from the brewing date. Besides this, local laws oblige us to limit the usage to own consumption. A positive consequence is that it allows us to experiment with different variations on our brewrecipes.
Once we achieve a recipe to our likes, we contact a bigger brewery to have our beer produced in bigger quantities (about 1000 litres). These are the beers our audience gets to try and taste. For every large brew that we order to be produced, we decide which professional brewery can produce our beer under licence. Also this concept makes us a “Verhuisbrouwerij” (moving brewery), because we are not bound to one specific professional brewery, like similar home brewing companies.
Our “verhuisbrouwerij” is a non-profit organization. By utilizing the larger quantities of our beer, we are able to sustain the free of charge brewing demonstrations, including the maintenance of our equipment. In addition, we try to extend our brewing equipment with new handy additions, keeping our fans on the lookout for the newest additions.
Thanks to you all drinking our beer, we can keep on moving with our brewery. And maybe one day we will surprise you with yet another new beer…