Dorpsbrouwerij Humulus

Dorpsbrouwerij Humulus is a belgian microbrewery in the town of arendonk.
The microbrewery was launched in April 2011 following the planned festivities “800 years Arendonk”. Dirk Vissers was working with his father for years brewer. It is brewed with a brewing plant of 250 liters. There are also three yeast and lager tanks of 750 liters each. In November, the first beer Spikes Dark Brown was put on the market. At the start of the festivities early 2012 was this beer into “village official beer” called. Later, the second beer was launched in 2012.
Since 2015, the production of Spikes Dark beers was acquired by Brouwerij Anders! to catch up. This under the watchful eye of village brewery Humulus. Since then keeps the village brewery engaged in brewing beers occasion such as Vraai Plezante, following the event ‘Vraai Plezant “the Voorheide. Another beer is the Pitbull 88, referring to the alcohol content (8.8%), and the founding year (1988) of the Arendonksesteenweg rugby club Pitbulls.