
Brewery Druide is a Belgian beer company in Deerlijk in the province of West Flanders.
The story began several years ago. We knew each other not only had a common hobby: beer brewing. After a while it started to work out nice and we decided to follow the training brewery on the CTL. Here we ran into each other and to the end of the two year program we forged plans to brew a beer together.
The first brew originated from beers brewed we had any amateur brewers in our garage. The recipes for these beers were put together and added to the knowledge gained during the training brewing. If accomplished druids we immersed ourselves in the magic of brewing. Four malts, Poperinge hops, yeast and water formed the basis of some magical recipes. The name “Druid” was born right here.
Based on these recipes brewed some test brews in the spring of 2004. These beers were presented to a taste panel of 25 beer lovers. Based on their observations, the recipe for Blonde Druid was definitively established.
The beer was an instant hit and was highly prized by family, friends and acquaintances. The brew kettle in the garage soon became too small, so we were forced to use the brewery De Graal Brakel and infrastructure of the ‘pilot brewery in Lochristi.
Meanwhile, the hobby further out of control on the run since the summer of 2006 there Druid Brown on the market, the Grand Druid Q came in 2009. Again we remain true to the basic ingredients of beer: only water, malt, hops and yeast are used.