Geuzestekerij Hanssens

Geuzestekerij Hanssens is a Belgian Geuze to Dworp (Beersel) in the province of Flemish Brabant.
In 1896 by Bartholomé Hanssens was bought an old dairy farm and converted into a brewery. The company is still located at this location. The brewery was named “Saint Anthony” and there was no brewed lambic unlike other breweries in the area but a brown table beer. Batholomé Hanssens was also mayor of Dworp from 1914 to 1927.
was during World War I, as in many breweries, all excited copper work by the Germans. In 1918 Batholomé decided not to start the brewery but to buy just yet wort and cutting. The brewery was geuzestekerij, which was common at the time. From 1929 Theo Hanssens took over the company and broke off the last remnants of the brewery. He designed a flessendroogrek which is now still in use. He next Geuze also distributor for Wielemans. Beer “Forst” and table beer was delivered in wooden barrels of 100 liters and filled with Hanssens. The barrels brand “T.H.V.” which is still in use, refers to “Theo Hanssens-Vastiau”.
Theo was succeeded in 1974 by his son Jean. When it reached the retirement age in 1997, he decided in the absence of any follow-wort to buy more and to work on his lambic stocks.
A bit unexpected by his daughter Sidy nevertheless continued geuzestekerij Hanssens was with her husband John Matthys and “Hanssens Artisan bvba” was established on January 1, 1998. The end of 1997 had already bought back wort, the liquor was sealed and the attention was fully focused on the geuzestekerij. In 1999, in addition to the Oude Geuze and Oude Kriek lambic Oudbeitje a fresh strawberries on the market.
Share:Hanssens Oude Kriek Schaarbeekse Krieken

- Style: Cherry, Fruit Lambic, Lambic
- Alcohol Content: 6%
- Global Rating: