Homebrewery de Vliet

Homebrewery de Vliet is a small Belgian brewery in the city of Geel.
In 1988 received the brewer, Jul Molenberghs, addressing the microbe to brew beer.
The “Association of amateur winemakers and brewers’ (VAW), there was a lot of interest, especially the younger members, to delve into the art of beer brewing. Jul is here with great pleasure used to.
The association theoretical lessons were organized but there was no space nor material to the practical. The former garage of the brewer was then renamed brew locally. It all started very small but each year more people bought and lokaaltje was therefore accessible to everyone. The capacity of the brewing equipment is limited but still serves to develop new beers. Several recipes were tested and so is the Geel beer “Zeunt” here arose alongside the “Vliet” Tripel. House Brewery “De Vliet” has for several years also home to the Zeuntcomité. Meetings, tastings and promote the delicious local Geel happens on a regular basis.
The brewpub can amateurs and associations go for an informative visit by appointment.