Microbrewery Den Triest

Microbrewery Den Triest is a Belgian brewery to Kapelle-op-den-Bos in the province of Flemish Brabant.
The microbrewery was started by Marc Struyf who hayloft converted it into brewery and local pub. “The Dreadful” refers to the hamlet on the eastern embankment of the Willebroek canal on the border of the provinces of Antwerp and Flemish Brabant. In 2011 built its own hop garden adjacent to the brewery with the Target hop variety and expanded in 2012. The beers of the brewery were also given the label “Belgian Hop” . The brewing setup consists of a mash tun 200 liters (a converted soup kettle from an industrial kitchen), a filter trough of the former Brewery Isebaert (Woesten) and five yeast and lager tanks of 200 liters, bought from a French vineyard. The cooking kettle was created specifically for the brewery.