’t Brugs Bierinstituut

A beer tasting session is one of the most enjoyable and most frivolous ways to get to know this rich beer culture. Beside these tasting sessions, you also have the opportunity to participate in workshops that will teach you how to discover the beer culture as well as other cultures.
The tasting sessions as well as the workshops are managed by Eli Noë. He discovered his passion for Belgian beer in 2001 in the famous pub “’t Brugs beertje”. After years of practical experience in the catering industry of Bruges, his passion kept in growing. Therefore, he decided to start studying on that subject. He attended two colleges in the Avondschool in Ghent :
- the two year college of “Brewing, malting en fermentation enterprises”
- the six months college of “General beer knowledge”
Since then Eli tries to share his knowledge of and passion for our marvellous Belgian beer culture with you in “’t Brugs Bierinstituut”.