
Brewery Wolf (formerly Brewery Lupus) is a Belgian beer company and brewery in Aarschot.
In 2003, Peter Van der Borght decided to brew beer itself. He attended a brewing course and started experimenting. What later joined three friends, Luc Sempels, Paul Van der Borght and Jo Discart, joined him. On May 13, 2008 Brewery Lupus Belgium was officially established. Bart Maryssael shortly afterwards joined. Later Luc Sempels and Paul Van der Borght left the store. Originally started the brewery in Begijnendijk, but fled soon became to Aarschot.
The former name of the brewery (Lupus) refers to the wolf ( “lupus” in Latin), but also for hops, a key ingredient for beer. The Latin name for hops “Humulus Lupulus”. The brewery name was later changed to the current name. On February 21, 2009 their beers were officially launched. The labels shall still a howling wolf.
Initially they left their beers to brew Microbrewery Achilles in Itegem (familiar from the Seraphim beers). But they took a private brewing plant in September 2010 in use. It is its own beers brewed only provisionally Wolf 9 (besides a number of beers on behalf of others). Since the beginning of 2011 was brewed 1000 liters monthly Wolf 9. End of 2011 a new tank of 3600 liters was put into operation, so that the production was sharply intensified from January 2012. Since 2010 we collaborate with the Brewery Het Anker in Mechelen, where Wolf Wolf 7 and 8 are brewed. Wolf beers are local Flemish Brabant.
Anno 2014, the directors Peter Van der Borght, Bart and Wouter Maryssael Cuppens.