Petr Pavel now Chevalier du Fourquet of Belgian brewers

News from the Brasserie de Silly Return to NewsPetr Pavel now Knight of the Fourquet of the Belgian brewers On Friday, November 15 in Prague, Czech President Petr Pavel became Knight of Honor of the Knighthood of the Fourquet of the Belgian Brewers of the Belgian Brewers Association ( Belgian Brewers). This is the first time in the history of Belgian beer that a foreign head of state has received this honor. This symbolic gesture underlines the rapprochement between the Czech Republic and Belgium, two nations with a rich brewing tradition.

The Czech Association of Brewers and Maltsters organized a two-day summit in Prague bringing together brewing associations and breweries from both countries. Lionel Van der Haegen, also a knight of the Chevalerie du Fourquet, and active member of the Brewers Federation, was present.

The inclusion of beer culture in Belgium on the heritage list Intangible Cultural Heritage of Unesco, is a unique opportunity to explain to consumers around the world who we are, what our differences are compared to other countries and other beer cultures. The Belgian Brewers Federation has started missions in this spirit. It went to the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Japan and the Czech Republic.

This country is also considered one of the beer nations in Europe, very well known for Pils of course. . In Belgium we have a reputation for special beer and the diversity, flavors and number of colors of beer. And so the Brewers Federation is trying to strengthen the position of Belgian beer together collectively.

The induction of the Czech president into the brotherhood of Belgian brewers is part of this objective. It’s a trip to strengthen our ties between the two countries of beers, two different cultures of beers.


Original Source Here

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