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However, despite its humble size, South Dakota’s Queen City has a surprising amount to offer. Unsurprisingly, a strong craft brew scene is at the top of the list. So if Sioux Falls is one of the pit stops on your way to the Black Hills or Badlands, keep reading to discover 7 essential breweries in Sioux Falls.
There is no shortage of options for a full-scale craft brewery tour in Sioux Falls:
Covert Artisan Ales & Cellars434 E 8th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57103
(605) 389-5954What started as a side hustle for brewers Dan and Stacey in 2018 turned into a full-scale dream come true in 2020 when Covert Artisan Ales & Cellars opened its taproom in downtown Sioux Falls. Despite the relative infancy of the establishment, the brewery has quickly risen to the top of Sioux Falls favorites. By aging its beer in spirit barrels for added depth, Covert makes its mark with the complex, funky brews it produces.
Their most popular beer is the aptly named “In Fate’s Hands” spontaneous ale. Using a two-barrel blend of two-year-aged spontaneous fermented beer, the result is a delightfully unpredictable drinking experience each time the ‘tender pulls the tap. In most cases, drinkers note a bubbly, vinegary aroma full of funky, slightly tart notes.
Fernson Brewing Company1400 E Robur Dr., Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 789-3822Fernson Brewing believes that every beer has a story behind it. Whether it evokes fond memories of a trip abroad or simply a relaxing evening around the campfire, there is no such thing as “just another beer.” As a result, the company uses its beers to bring people together at both its locations–the central brewery and the downtown Sioux Falls taproom.
Among its core beers on tap, you must try the Shy Giant IPA. Brewed with a healthy dose of Belma and Mosaic hops and dry hopped with Mosaic and Citra hops, it sounds like this giant of a beer would have drinkers “hopping” through the roof with just one sip. However, tasters note that despite the “giantness” of the hops, it is wonderfully balanced with citrus and maltiness, making for a pleasant drinking experience.
Lupulin Brewing2425 S Shirley Ave Suite 112, Sioux Falls, SD 57106
(605) 275-5544With a motto of “Work sucks, drink beer,” Lupulin Brewing is the type of fun-loving establishment that any beer drinker can rally around. Created to bring people together, build a better community, and provide an innovative workplace for its brewers, Lupulin aims to have fun and redefine what it means to take a “normal” path through life.
With more than two dozen beers on tap, it is hard to find one to highlight. However, the “Sticky Puddles” Triple Berry Sour packs a punch that you won’t soon forget. An imperial fruited sour that infuses strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry with hints of vanilla and cinnamon, drinkers who savor tart notes will undoubtedly find this 9.0% ABV beverage to be “nice and sour.”
Miner Brewing Company and Prairie Berry Winery Taproom2101 W 41st St #25, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
(605) 496-7175Opened 15 years after Sandi Vojta and family brought Prairie Berry Winery to South Dakota, Miner Brewing Company put beer on par with the family’s love of wine. Creating a truly unique South Dakota experience with its dual-purpose brewery and winery taproom, the business brings five generations of hand-crafting beverages to the dozens of selections it has on tap.
As far as beers, a Miner Brewing Company favorite is the Miner Mango Cream Ale. Bright and golden, this easy-drinking beverage combines a tropical mango aroma with crisp, mildly sweet malt notes to create a cereal-like drinking experience. Consistently the #1 seller at Mining Brewing Company, drinkers praise this beer for the “creamy mango notes” it adds to the classic midwestern-style ale.
Remedy Brewing401 E 8th St #120, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
(605) 271-6193Remedy Brewing came into existence as the result of a freak ice storm. When co-founder Matt Hastad had to crash on friend Jason Davenport’s couch as a result of ice-related power outages at Matt’s house, the two got discussing Matt’s home brewing hobby and soon formed the conclusion that Sioux Falls needed a craft brewery to rival those emerging in cities across the country. Enter a third friend, biochemist Tyler Jepperson, and the rest is history.
Of the 16 beers the brewery rotates on tap, none is as well-rated as the Pina Colada Kickball, a sour-fruited Berliner Weisse. Drinkers praise the coconutty savor of this tropical-themed cocktail classic, noting that, unlike many other brews that inevitably land on a toasted coconut taste, the Pina Colada Kickball is abundant with fresh coconut. They further note that the medium sour level tames the coconut just enough to keep it from being too much, yielding the perfect tropical getaway beer for the rolling hills of South Dakota.
Severance Brewing701 N Phillips Ave Suite 110, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 271-5480It will be hard to find a brewery more cleverly named than this one. Stuck in an unfulfilling corporate job, head brewer Scott left his position to live the life he saw passing him by, creating a brewery as his “severance package.” Thousands of beer enthusiasts applaud Scott’s bold leap of faith, as Severance Brewing has become a mainstay in the Sioux Falls community.
Building on the brewery’s penchant for clever names, the “Faking Sincerity” IPA is the tap offering you must try. Described as the perfect beverage for those times when you have to pretend that you give a damn, this American IPA features local Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe, Strata, and Citra hops. The result? Just enough bitter to put some gleam in your eye while listening to that story you swear will never end.
WoodGrain Brewing Company101 S Phillips Ave #100, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 310-5316A premier crafter of authentic South Dakota brew, WoodGrain Brewing Company is a perfect spot for Sioux Falls area residents to come relax and enjoy a beverage in a warm, laid-back atmosphere. Meticulously hand-crafted using the freshest ingredients available, including locally sourced hops and barley, WoodGrain has a selection of over two dozen beers, seltzers, ciders, and non-alcoholic beverages regularly on tap.
The most irresistible beer on the menu is the Mackinac IPA. This New England-style IPA is loaded with Citra and locally-grown Mackinac hops. The result is a beer that lives up to its IPA name but is decidedly more “crushable” than many beers in its genre, making it a strong choice for those newbies to the IPA game.
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