Geneviève de Brabant Spéciale

Geneviève de Brabant Spéciale is a Belgian Pils, it has an alcohol content of 5.3%.
Brabant is a province of contrasts : forests and hills, town and country, industry set amid the countryside, riches in a rural setting … What more natural way to celebrate these contrasts than to blend them in a beer which is bound to surprise ? With the purity of its water and the richness of its hops, its thirst-quenching freshness and sweet intoxication, its refinement and its simplicity, Spéciale de Brabant is a beer for all and sundry, yet one for the connoisseurs too. Tasting this spell-binding product of the Belgian soil is like paying a visit to the heart of the legendary province itself.
Taste-wise …
This beer’s soft yellow colour is an indicator of the presence of hops in modest quantity. Its fine ingredients, including malt, give it a very rich flavour, and it surprises the palate with a slightly bitter taste. Spéciale de Brabant : a highly refreshing, delicate beer.