Geneviève de Brabant Triple

Geneviève de Brabant Triple is a Belgian Triple beer, it has a second fermentation in the bottle, and an alcohol content of 8.5%.
Fans of triple-strength beers will take a keen interest in Triple de Brabant. Its bouquet gets the mouth watering and ready to savour the experience to the full. Mind you, you don’t have to extend yourself particularly to discover this wheat-hued creation : it will meet you more than half-way … The rare sunshine of Belgium shines out from the glass just as heart-warmingly as its harsher Mediterranean version ! Here is a triple for carousing with the peasants in celebration of Mother Nature.
Taste-wise …
The world of triple-strength blond beers deals ruthlessly with those who do not display enough strength of character. However, with its immediately reassuring full-bodied bitterness, dryness and aroma, the position of the Brabant family’s triple is secure. Aficionados of this category of beer will sit up and pay attention as soon as Triple de Brabant’s bouquet has full impact on their taste buds. Its flavour comes through in two separate stages : first the spicier taste on entering the mouth, followed by a sensation that is both more subtle and more severe. But this beer is also excellent as a thirst-quencher, making it ideal for a long moment of relaxation.