Tateyama is a Japanese style lager, it has an alcohol content of 5.2%.
This premium quality pale lager is made with whole white rice and German Pilsener malt, which went through a 4-hour cereal/decoction mash. Lightly hopped with Strisselspalt for a hardly noticeable 17 IBUs. Fun fact, when Budweiser still used real hops they used Strisselspalt after they had to switch away from Saaz. This beer is dry, crisp, and intensely satisfying.
We brewed this beer in honor of our Bellingham sister city Tateyama, Japan. The Bellingham Sister Cities Association is a community based organization that seeks to promote intercultural understandings, economic and tourism ties, and world peace. Second fun fact, Bellingham has seven different sister cities across four different continents.