December 10, 2014 admin We are getting very exited! Lots of great things are going on at the brewery right now that will be coming your way soon, and we wanted to give you a heads up so you can plan accordingly! 2014 is coming to a close, and we are getting close to wrapping ... Read More
Woodland Empire Ale Craft

Woodland Empire Ale Craft is an American brewery from Idaho, .
Husband and wife team Rob and Keely Landerman fell in love with beer together and early on knew that they would one day open their own brewery. After years of tinkering, learning, and gaining experience in the brewing industry they set out to open Woodland Empire Ale Craft based on their love of handcrafting quality and engaging beer. Tom Dolan, our CFO, and Dusty Schmidt came on as partners to help gain funding and make the dream a reality.
Upcoming releases!
We are getting very exited! Lots of great things are going on at the brewery right now that will be coming your way soon, and we wanted to give you a heads up so you can plan accordingly! 2014 is coming to a close, and we are getting close to wrapping up our first year ... Read More
Giving Thanks
Greetings! This is our first post, hopefully the first of many! We are big advocates of beer and food pairings. One of the reasons we are so in love with craft beer is because of how dynamic it can make… Read more › Share: ... Read More
Giving Thanks
Greetings! This is our first post, hopefully the first of many! We are big advocates of beer and food pairings. One of the reasons we are so in love with craft beer is because of how dynamic it can make a meal. From the simple, everyday pairing of an ESB, amber, or balanced IPA with ... Read More