The Best Breweries In Yonkers, NY

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 to Yonkers, New York! You’ve only got so much time to spend in the city and what better thing to do than check out the best breweries? Who just wants to have a run-of-the-mill beer, when you can have a fresh craft beer in the place where it’s made?

Yonkers Brewing Company92 Main St, Yonkers, New York 10701-7065
(914) 226-8327A brewery started by two native Yonkers; for Yonkers and anybody who responsibly appreciates a good beer. Nick Califano and John Rubbo started Yonkers Brewing Company after being inspired by the stories they both told each other about helping their grandfathers make wine.

Yonkers Brewing Company also gives an excellent selection of:

  • Appetizers
  • Sandwiches
  • Tacos
  • Burgers
  • Entrees
  • Pasta
  • Salads

Yonkers Brewing provides an excellent variety of beers but the one I recommend is called Ray’s IPA which packs major citrus. Tropical and stone fruits make up the aroma of this IPA, and you get just a hint of passionfruit. With the oats, it gives this IPA a soft landing pad for the hops to hit the spot.

Alternative Medicine Brewing Co.29 Elm Ave, Mount Vernon, New York, 10550
(914) 530-3269This Yonkers brewery is a new addition to the Yonkers brewery game. This brewery has great beer, friendly staff (according to New York standards), and a bumper pool table to keep you entertained, while you sip away at the wonderfully crafted beers on offer. If you join in on Saturdays they usually have excellent live music, playing everything from indie pop to heavy metal.

While this brewery doesn’t have a kitchen of its own, if you’re feeling peckish they have a hole in the wall so you can order from the Caribbean Soul Food Delight restaurant next door which you can eat in the taproom.

A great beer to enjoy at Alternative Medicine Brewing Co. is their MVNY, a traditional cream ale made from homegrown New York grains and hops from local farms. This is a super easy-drinking beer.

Wolf and Warrior Brewing Company195A E Post Rd White Plains, New York, 10601
(914) 368-8617An awesome brewery founded on the love of how beer can play a significant role in a community and inspired by the owner’s experience in Zimbabwe. The brewery is named after his two sons Vuk & Branko, which in Serbian translates to Wolf and Warrior. Wolf and Warrior Brewing company has a comfort zone for everyone, whether you like to chill indoors, or in a beer garden. They’ve got it.

The food menu, however, was not as inspired by Zimbabwe, so you can expect to find some typical crowd-pleasers like:

  • Tacos
  • French fries
  • Buffalo wings
  • Pizzas
  • Sandwiches

The B127 is the go-to beer at Wolf and Warrior Brewing Company. It’s full of malted oats, a bit of milk sugar, pale malts, and pilsner. And to finish it off there is a great combination of hops from Citra, Mosaic, Tahoma, and Sabro.

Broken Bow Brewery173 Marbledale Rd Tuckahoe, New York, 10707
(914) 268-090Family-owned and given a really rustic feel, this is a brewery designed to be enjoyed with friends and family; even the furry members. It’s a place for everyone and serves up some well-crafted beers, ciders, cocktails, and alcoholic slushies. They do also have non-alcoholic options.

When you think of the ideal place to sit, socialize and have a great beer, this is the place. The atmosphere is super-chilled and they regularly crack out some board games and Nintendo to make things extra homey and family-friendly. They even have a 1951 Chevy beer truck. Classic.

For those who are hungry, there isn’t a full-blown menu but they do offer:

  • Charcuterie boxes
  • Light snacks
  • Food trucks

Broken Heart Stout is a beer for coffee addicts and chocoholics who love a smooth and creamy stout, and light enough to be enjoyed all year round. This stout starts with a trace of bitterness and has a slightly dry finish.

Captain Lawrence Brewing Co.444 Saw Mill River Rd Elmsford, New York, 10523
(914) 741-2337A brewery with an outdoor bar in its beer garden, so you can really immerse yourself in the brewing process and enjoy everything it has to offer. Whether you choose to sit inside or outside there’s plenty of seating, and during the cold winter days, you can always count on them having live music and cornhole games to warm up the atmosphere.

Their food menu has an impressive range of:

  • Pizzas to local rival pizzerias
  • Fries
  • Sandwiches
  • Bowls
  • Foods to share

Their most popular drink is the Cuvee De Castleton and for good reason. This sour wild ale sends your taste buds on a journey with wild yeast, malted barley, and Muscats grapes are all a part of the process of making this beer-redefining wild ale.

Gun Hill Brewing Company3227 Laconia Ave Bronx, New York 10469
(718) 881-0010Undoubtedly one of the coolest breweries in the area, Gun Hill Brewing Company boasts of its dedication to using high-quality and locally sourced ingredients for its drinks. If that wasn’t enough, they also have an award-winning brewmaster who makes all the magic happen on-site.

Speaking of award-winning, they have an excellent selection of award-winning beers:

  • Void of Light
  • Gun Hill IPA
  • Spirit 76
  • Rise Up Rye

Their Void of Light brew is an excellent export stout. As the name suggests it’s dark when poured and has a light brown head. It gives a delicious cocoa-espresso aroma with hints of fruitiness. This foreign-style stout has a medium-thick feel which adds to the intense flavor.

Decadent Ales139 Hoyt Ave Ste A Mamaroneck, New York, 10543
(914) 848-4060Decadent Ales is a brewery that offers us a very wide variety of outstanding beers, including super juicy IPAS including their signature, flavored milkshake IPAs, like their Double Toasted Marshmallow; yes, it’s a beer. Their venue is very visually pleasing, not your typical bar feel, so if you’re wanting to take your wife or girlfriend out on a date and still have access to great beer; this is the place to go.

This brewery does not have a restaurant of its own namesake, but they have partnered with an awesome burger joint called Duke’s Burger Joint which you can happily order and eat from the taproom.

You cannot go home without trying one of the milkshake IPAs. One of their most popular beers is their Double Tropical Smoothie. This drink is made with a firm favorite Citra and is double dry-hopped. Expect nothing less than tons of strawberries, pineapple, mangoes, and peaches. And for the finale, a hint of Madagascan vanilla bean.

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