Lake Of The Woods Brewing Company: Dish Washer

Who We Are: We are a locally owned and operated company in Kenora, Ontario on the northern shores of Lake of the Woods. We brew craft beer and craft coffee!  Lake of the Woods Brewing Company is committed to sustainable practices, business growth and development, and building external and internal alliances to support local, fresh, ... Read More

Flying Dog Brewery: Call It A Comeback

Jul 21 Call It A Comeback If local is as local does, our commitment to Maryland beer goes way beyond the bottle. We’re partnering with the University of Maryland on a beer agriculture initiative that’s the first-of-its-kind in the mid-Atlantic. And to start, the focus is on hops. At its Western Maryland Research and Education ... Read More

John Martin: Season Beers’ Great Come Back!

5 months ago Is it a fad, a search for new niches in the brewing market or the renewal of an ancient tradition to fulfil the needs of a more enlightened and demanding consumer? Whatever the reason, today there is a beer for each season, each with its own specificities. Christmas beer has been around ... Read More

De Kroon: Grape vine also at Brewery De Kroon

Last Friday, July 14, 2017, the new grape season was started in the greenhouse of hobby-serrist Constant Wargee in Loonbeek. True to tradition, this is accompanied by a first grape cut. This time the first grapes were symbolically handed over to Kwinten De Paepe and Wim Dierckx from De Kroon Brewery. In the past, this ... Read More

De Snoek: The Pike in Playmobil

Roeland Verhaert, historian and city archivist of Antwerp, spent two years building a model of the Mout & Brouwhuis de Snoek in… Playmobil. “In this project I managed to combine my three great passions: history, Playmobil and beer.” Read the article here and visit the Museum of Thirst ... Read More

De Snoek: The Pike in Playmobil

Christophe Deconinck July 17th, 2017 0 Roeland Verhaert, historian and city archivist of Antwerp, built a model of the Malt & amp; for two years. Brouwhuis de Snoek in … Playmobil. “In this project I managed to combine my three great passions: history, Playmobil and beer.” Read the article here and visit the Museum of ... Read More