Flying Dog Brewery: The Tag Team Champions of the World

Oct 2 The Tag Team Champions of the World The Bushwhackers? The British Bulldogs? The Road Warriors? While all iconic, none of these duos could hope to take on the one-two punch of our newest releases, Idaho 7 Single Hop Imperial IPA and Thunderpeel New England IPA. Let’s break down the stats: IDAHO 7  Like the name ... Read More

De Snoek: Award Ceremony Photo Competition / Opening Exhibition

Award ceremony for photo competition “Inns in the Westhoek, where people bind the saints with hoops” and opening of the exhibition “Foaming West Flemish Heritage” in the Mout- & Brouwhuis de Snoek on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 4:00 PM PROGRAM 4:00 PM Welcome 4:10 PM Presentation of the three Sint-Willibrordus Prizes. Presentation of the ... Read More

De Snoek: Award Ceremony Photo Competition / Opening Exhibition

Christophe Deconinck October 1st, 2017 0 Award ceremony photo contest “Inn in the Westhoek, where the saints are bound with hoops” and opening of the exhibition “Foamy West Flemish Heritage” in the Malt & amp; Brouwhuis de Snoek on saturday 7 october 2017 at 16.00 u PROGRAM 16 u Welcome 16.10 u Presentation of the ... Read More

Van Steenberge: Margriet looks to the future with confidence!

From now on, Margriet will grace the roof-top terrace of Bar BAPTIST. Elegantly perched on its edge, with her sights on the future and a glass of Augustijn in her hand, Margriet wishes you a warm welcome on top of the beating heart of the brewery. The unveiling of this likeness of Margriet Schelfaut is ... Read More

Spinnakers Brewpub & Guesthouses: Think Local Launches a New App!

September 28, 2017 Around Spinnakers We are so excited to be part of Think Local First, and to share with you the new app they have launched simply called “Think Local First.” Think Local First is a non-profit society directed by an enthusiastic group of volunteers who are small business owners in Greater Victoria. With ... Read More

Alley Kat Brewery: Sapphire Dragon Launch

Introducing our sapphire in the rough! Hopped with Idaho 7, this Dragon will elevate your senses with fresh aromas of apricot and zesty orange, bringing you back down to earth with hints of pine and black tea notes. It pours a brilliant gold that’ll make even the yellowest of our autumn leaves jealous. Sure to ... Read More

Alley Kat Brewery: Time To Get Cozy

We heard your cries, we heard your pleas, you begged us on bended knees, and because we always aim to please, we brought back one of your favourite specialties! Thats right, your holiday season just got cozier. Slip on your comfiest Long John’s and pop open a bottle of our classic, creamy Salted Caramel Ale. Made ... Read More