Thwaites Brewery
Thwaites Brewery is a British brewery from Lancashire – England, .
Thwaites Brewery is a regional brewery founded in 1807 by Daniel Thwaites in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. The firm still operates from its original town centre site, although the original brewery was demolished in 2011, and part of its beer business was sold to Marston’s in March 2015. Today, Thwaites still produces beer but it in much smaller quantities as it only sells to its own estate of pubs, inns and hotels. In 1999, the Mitchell brewery in Lancaster closed down, and was bought in part by Thwaites. Lancaster Bomber has since been available from Thwaites public housesafter being acquired in the takeover. Lancaster Bomber is now brewed by Marston’s, as is Wainwright, the other top-selling Thwaite’s beer.