Tröegs Independent Brewing: Bringing a new beer to life is a ‘fun ride’

We never know where an idea for the next beer will come from. The recipe for Troegenator was born on a cold and rainy backpacking trip through Germany. Dear Peter was inspired by a local grove of nectarines that were damaged in a hailstorm. And our new year-round pale ale Haze Charmer started taking shape ... Read More

Van Honsebrouck: Filou supports the catering industry with glass full of hope

February 3, Ghent – It has been quiet for 10 months in the Overpoortstraat in Ghent. Together with Filou, Belgian Regional Beer, the café owners of the popular student area presented a corona-safe toast to draw attention to their situation. The campaign was an initiative of the Gentse Tappers, the non-profit association that unites the ... Read More


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Red Rock Brewery: Elephino Photo Contest

REGISTER TO WIN Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *WebsiteSubmit Prizes: We are giving away (8) $50 Red Rock Brewery gift certificates –  two per week.   Three Steps to Enter: Snap a photo of your Elephino and post it on Instagram or Facebook. You can include people, places and… ... Read More

Bison Brewing Company: How to Brew Smoked Beer: Rauchbiers, Smoked Stouts, and More

Tom Green Smoked beer can be polarizing. While some people love it, others can’t stand it. Is it an acquired taste? Or are there not enough great quality smoked beers available on the market? We’re here to shed some light on this often misunderstood area of brewing. With many breweries reviving this historic style, smoked ... Read More

Bison Brewing Company: These Are The Exciting Hops You Should Be Using In 2021

Tom Green For a large portion of brewers and craft beer enthusiasts, hops are the be-all-end-all of beer. Providing bitterness, flavor, and aroma, the Humulus lupulus is an extremely important plant for brewers. There are hundreds of hops on the market, with the list growing larger every year. Certain classics – whether that’s citrusy American ... Read More

Red Rock Brewery: Email

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