Jessenhofke: (Nederlands) Nieuwsbrief 10 jaar brouwerij Jessenhofke

(Nederlands) open brouwdag zondag 25 juni 2017 en voorstelling nieuwe bieren tripel-k & ‘t Bottelke June 21, 2017 (Nederlands) teambuilding @ jessenhofke September 14, 2016 (Nederlands) Nieuwsbrief 10 jaar brouwerij JessenhofkePosted by Gert Jordens Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. ... Read More

Jessenhofke: (Nederlands) Nieuwsbrief 10 jaar brouwerij Jessenhofke

(Nederlands) open brouwdag zondag 25 juni 2017 en voorstelling nieuwe bieren tripel-k & ‘t Bottelke June 21, 2017 (Nederlands) teambuilding @ jessenhofke September 14, 2016 (Nederlands) Nieuwsbrief 10 jaar brouwerij JessenhofkePosted by  Gert Jordens  Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. ... Read More

Oud Beersel: Toer de Geuze 2017 at Oud Beersel

Published: April 11, 2017     SATURDAY, MAY 6th: 9:00 – The Oud Beersel Shop Opens 11:00 – Tours begin, starting every 15 minutes 18:00 – Last Tour of Oud Beersel 18:30 – End of Drink Ticket Sales 19:00 – The Oud Beersel Bar Closes SUNDAY, MAY 7th: 9:30 to 11:00 – BACON AND EGG ... Read More

Moortgat: SSSt … here Duvel ripens in old bourbon casks

The Duvel brewers started a news taste experiment: they ripen Duvel on oak bourbon casks. Since November, the Duvel matures in these imported American barrels and will probably have to be ready for six to seven months before it is ready. Only when the taste is perfectly perfect, the first bottling of this special beer ... Read More

Deep Ellum Brewing Company: The world’s first hand-crafted bottled beer brewed to be enjoyed at 35,000ft

April 3, 2017April 3, 2017 by Jeroen Cathay Pacific introduces Betsy Beer – the world’s first hand-crafted bottled beer brewed to be enjoyed at 35,000ft By using a combination of science and traditional brewing methods, Betsy Beer is a high-quality craft ale that has travel in its DNA The quality of the inflight dining experience ... Read More

PEG Beer Co.: “Don’t Call Me Honey!”

Our First Community Tap This Sunday we are launching our first Community Tap beer at PEG Beer Co. I am beyond proud that this beer was brewed in conjunction with International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day (IWCBD). This was my third year brewing with other Winnipeg brewsters but the first time brewing a batch commercially. Thank ... Read More

Townsite Brewing: Ode to my business on it’s 5th birthday

Ode to my business on it’s 5th birthday March 24, 2017 My Business turns 5 years old today. Its shocking to think about, it still feels so new, and we still make so many mistakes! How can it have been 5 years already!? Although it seems like a blink of an eye, it has also ... Read More