Snake River Brewing: Sour Beer Funk Fest this Sunday!

&nbsp Sour Beer Funk Fest this Sunday! For the first time ever Snake River Brewing is teaming up with Q. Roadhouse Brewing Co. and the Pink Garter Theater to put on a Sour Beer Funk Festival! There will be a FREE SOUR BEER TASTING starting at 5:30 pm at the Rose, with brewers from both breweries to ... Read More

PEG Beer Co.: PEG Beer Co. Growler Bar

Two years ago there was a change to the regulations allowing growler sales within Manitoba. Since then growler sales in Manitoba have skyrocketed and with a handful of new breweries opening in 2016 (Barn Hammer, Torque, Little Brown Jug, as well as us!) and in 2017 growler sales are just going to continue on the upward ... Read More

Früh: Cologne Music Express

The slightly different stage for your event – with the Kölner Musikexpress powered by FRÜH. The event truck offers an early look ... Read More

Deep Ellum Brewing Company: A Love Potion Reimagined

[ 01 30 4:00 pm to 02 28 4:00 pm. ] Our new Cherry Chocolate Double Brown Stout is the result of nutty brown malts made smooth with hops. The warm elixir is steeped in rich chocolate cocoa nibs before fermentation. We then condition with sweet red cherry puree to maintain lushness. Don’t be a ... Read More

Deep Ellum Brewing Company: A Love Potion Reimagined

[ 01 30 4:00 pm to 02 28 4:00 pm. ] Our new Cherry Chocolate Double Brown Stout is the result of nutty brown malts made smooth with hops. The warm elixir is steeped in rich chocolate cocoa nibs before fermentation. We then condition with sweet red cherry puree to maintain lushness. Don’t be a ... Read More

Crazy Mountain Brewing Company: “Crazy Mountain Brewery Makes Beer Changes in Denver and in Edwards”

Exciting things are happening for us both in Denver and Edwards! “As Crazy Mountain Brewery continues to grow into its newish Denver location — Breckenridge Brewery’s former headquarters at 471 Kalamath Street — the brewery is making significant changes to the missions of both that space and its original brewery and taproom in Edwards…” Full ... Read More

Yukon Brewing: Charming or Tedious

Jan 27, 2017 Bombers, Brewing News 0 comments Maple Wee HeavyStrong Beer 7.3%A Wee Heavy is an example of a Scotch Ale (not to be confused with a Scottish Ale, which is different). The beer is very malt forward, comprised of six different malted grains, including some peated malt for a delightful smoky character. The ... Read More