Hopworks Urban Brewery: Craft Beer Week: Matt Speckenbach

To celebrate Craft Beer Week this year, we wanted to focus on the people behind the beer. For our second interview, we spoke to Matt Speckenbach (known here as Speck!), our R&D and Brewhouse Manager! What got you into brewing? Well, college was when I first got into beer. A friend of mine handed me… ... Read More

Bison Brewing Company: No Scrubs: The Best Cleaners and Sanitizers

Cleanliness is the best way to avoid infections in your homebrews. Without some serious cleaning and sanitizing equipment, all the wrong organisms will grow in your wort and ruin your batches. We recommend Star San and PBW for sanitizing and cleaning. PBW’s formulation makes cleaning almost effortless, although it does need rinsing. Star San’s foaming ... Read More

Bison Brewing Company: Beer Drop Subscription Box Review

Staying on top of trends in craft beer can be difficult. Are hazy IPAs still cool? What type of donut is in the hottest new barrel-aged stout? We admit some of these trends are fleeting and it can be confusing to stay up to date. Could a beer subscription service help keep you on top ... Read More

Hopworks Urban Brewery: Craft Beer Week: Austin Barich

To celebrate Craft Beer Week this year, we wanted to focus on the people behind the beer. To kick it off, we spoke to one of our brewers, Austin Barich! So, Austin, what do you do here? I like to think of myself as a very wet baker and a yeast rancher. But really, I’m… ... Read More

Red Rock Brewery: Downtown Online Ordering Instructions

Ordering Instructions: This is a beta version of a new Online Ordering App in the works for Red Rock. Use code: RED50 to apply the special “Giving Back to our Community” discount offer. To help us find you when you arrive, please enter the make and color of your car in the “Special Instructions Box”… ... Read More